PAL Programme

What is the Peer-Assisted Learning (PAL) Programme?
PAL is an academic student-to-student support network and this programme assists students to adapt and transit into their new University life. PAL provides scheduled weekly sessions led by PAL Leaders who are senior students to help them improve their understanding of the subject matter.

What can PAL do for you?
Students who embark onto a new academic programme may find certain subjects challenging and demanding and PAL leaders can help them work through common problems and develop their learning strategies. Leaders will also share essential study skills required to do well in their studies and students will learn to be self-directed and independent in their learning. There will also be opportunities to network with their peers.

Who are the PAL Leaders?
PAL Leaders are senior students who have completed specific subjects and are selected to be trained as PAL facilitators. They are not teachers and their role is to help students to understand the subject better by guiding them to arrive at their own answers. They will encourage discussion in the group to enhance understanding of lectures already attended; not to impart new knowledge.

Subjects offered based on University Partners

Click on the University Partner for more information about the subjects offered for each of them and the registration process.

More to come soon.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. When is the date to register for the PAL Programme?

Tentatively, registration should be opened about 2 weeks after your semester starts. An email will be sent to your MyMail email when registration opens. You can click on the University Partner links to know more.

2. What are the available slots that I can register for?

There are 4 slots every weekday (Mondays to Fridays) for face-to-face sessions with each slot of 1 hour:

  1. 12pm – 1pm
  2. 1:30pm – 2:30pm
  3. 3:30pm – 4:30pm
  4. 5pm – 6pm

You will be asked to choose 5 slots based on your availability and we will try to match you with our PAL Leader.

3. Is attendance compulsory?

Attendance is not compulsory. However, PAL Learners are strongly encouraged to attend their PAL sessions regularly. Studies have shown that students who attended PAL regularly usually perform better than those who do not. If you are aware that you will not be available for any of the session, inform your PAL Leader and they will take note.

4. What happens in a typical PAL Session?

PAL session covers materials in earlier lectures. PAL Learners are encouraged to ask questions about the topics that the group can discuss together. Our PAL Leaders will facilitate the discussions, provide practice questions and share their experiences such as their study skills with the PAL Learners. In short, the PAL sessions are interactive and PAL Learners are encouraged to question and discuss as a group to have a better understanding on the subject.

*Do note that due to the Covid19 situation, the PAL sessions are conducted online via Microsoft Teams until further notice.

5. How do I sign up?

If you wish to join us, be it as a PAL Leader or PAL Learner, more information can be found in the page after you click on the University Partner links above. For any other enquiries, feel free to email in to